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Our Values

Man looking at silk squares

Bonjour! My name is Paul Antoine and I come from Normandy in the northwest of France. In 2007 I settled in Paris to study philosophy at Sorbonne University. After graduating I became determined to find some way to give meaning to my life, and as I have always been deeply passionate about my country and culture, I decided that sharing it with the world was something I really wanted to do.

Bridge Alexander III in Paris

But how best to communicate the essence of French culture?

Should I talk about its history? Highlight its rich culture? Pass on its distinctive art de vivre? And could it be possible to do all three at the same time?

Then it came to me: by offering some of the most exceptional French creations to the international market, I could give the world a taste of the unique richness of French culture.

And so the idea of BeFrenched was born.

But we already consume so much, do we really need to buy more?

Rocamadour Point of view

While it's true that the mass production of industrial goods has flooded the market, those goods are made just to be thrown away.

Not so with the carefully chosen artifacts of French culture I've decided to share with you here! Rare and made to last a lifetime, these exclusive objects convey the authenticity of a people, a history, a territory. They are the unique creations of French artisans that could never have been imagined or manufactured anywhere else.

Forged knife in hand of a worker

The Best of the Best

To ensure the authenticity of our line, I carefully selected only those manufacturers whose quality and reputation are well-established in France. These are products whose quality I can attest to personally, and which have been with me and my family for a long time.

When you order from BeFrenched, you can be assured of the superior quality and craftmanship found only in the best of the best!

Goyon Chazeau Knifes handle close-up

Did you say high-end?

A thousand years dedicated to the careful refinement of materials and techniques has rendered the French the undisputed masters of their art.

At BeFrenched, our product line is not merely high-end. Each object embodies the world-renowned French savoir-faire.

1950's scene of a party in France

Made with pride

Time and again during my travels around my country I have encountered workers who are proud of their profession and who embody the love of a job well done.

Yet another facet of French know-how, workplace safety and social protection is among the best in the world. You can be sure that French artisans and their families are able to live with pride and dignity from their earnings.

Less is more!

Disappointed by our modern, throwaway culture of consumption, I decided I wanted to try to change that dynamic.

With BeFrenched, you can choose a more sustainable alternative: superior quality products that you will be sure to cherish for many years to come.

When you place your order with us, you are making a crucial step toward redefining your relationship with the objects that populate our daily lives.

You buy less, but get so much more!

Silk Fabric Close up

Tailored to you and your lifestyle

At BeFrenched, we list as much product information as possible to help you make the best choice for you and your lifestyle. We want you to understand why we selected each piece in our line and how each piece can enhance your daily life, while also complementing your individual style.
And to ensure you get the most from your purchase, we've included a comprehensive blog of tips and advice for use.

Razor and Brush on a stand with marble background

Items of quality like ours don't deserve to be stored in a closet! Only with an informed choice can you be sure you will keep and use your products for a long time to come. That's why we want to make sure you have all the information you need to decide what is right for you.

New York skyline with Statue of Liberty

It's France, right at your doorstep

At BeFrenched, we want you to love your purchase as much as we do! But if for some reason you don't, tell us and the simply print the return shipping label we will send you and return it to us at no extra cost to you.
This is possible because we have an affiliate located in New Jersey to help us expedite the shipping process and get your order delivered faster (and with less cost) than if we had to ship it from France.
It's like having France right at your doorstep!

Exquisite creations handcrafted by French artisans who tell their story through their work... that is what BeFrenched is all about.

On BeFrenched, I present to you my personal selection, where each piece reveals its own story of French values and traditions.

When you make a purchase, not only do you acquire a unique and exquisite artifact of French culture and history but you incorporate this rich history into your very own!

What you will not find here at BeFrenched is a vast marketplace of soulless, interchangeable products that don’t last, don’t give you pleasure when you use them and only need to be replaced after a few uses.
Our suppliers are authentic French artisans who are properly compensated for their time and expertise. When you order from us, you can rest assured that you are supporting fair trade practices and saying no to the rampant exploitation found too often on the world market.

BeFrenched is for those who are looking for the best, the exclusive, for those who want to get off the beaten track without getting lost. For those who want to change their impact on the world while looking for the authentic.

Bienvenue at BeFrenched